Vertical Menu
Assign a menu
- Create or assign a WP menu to the "Vertical Menu" location
PRE 3.15.4 It's important to use the menu design "Default (custom size)" for custom dropdowns (with UX Blocks) on these menu items, for positioning and fine-tuning the size.
FROM 3.15.4 "Container width" and "Full width" now auto-set the width, so you are not forced to use "Default (custom size)" anymore and manually tweak the width and height. 🎉
Enable the menu (desktop)
- Head over to the theme header builder and add (drag) the "Vertical Menu" element to display the menu in the header
Enable the menu (sidebar navigation)
- Head over to the theme "Header Mobile Menu" settings section
- Enable "2 Tabs" (only need if you want 2 tabs, you could potentially enable it in the first tab)
- Activate "Vertical Menu" as display element
Desktop navigation
Sidebar navigation
- 3.15.0 or greater