How to translate the theme or plugins
Discover various methods to translate or modify the text in your theme or plugins.
Flatsome Localization (l10n)
Contribute and help make Flatsome accessible in your language! All contributions are welcome.
🔗 l10n-flatsome (for base translation of PO files)
The localization platform is managed by UX Themes. Contributing here is highly recommended, as the translations are integrated directly into Flatsome, eliminating the need for additional plugins or file synchronization.
By Plugin
🔗 Loco Translate (for base translation of PO files)
🔗 WPML (for a comprehensive multilanguage setup)
By Desktop Editor
🔗 Poedit (for base translation of PO files)
By Code
Normal strings
A simple alternative for making text modifications.
String with Context
An example of a string with a context.